Monday, August 27, 2007


Catalogablog points out a new 1.0 release candidate 2 of Zotero. Of note from the Zotero site:

  • Zotero now offers full-text indexing of PDFs, adding your archived PDFs to the searchable text in your collection.
  • Zotero’s integration with word processing tools has been greatly improved. The MS Word plugin works much more seamlessly and we now support OpenOffice on Windows, Mac (in the form of NeoOffice), and Linux.
  • Zotero is also now better integrated with the desktop. Users can drag files from their desktop into their Zotero collection and can also drag attachments out of their Zotero collection onto their desktop.
  • We have begun to add tools to browse and visualize Zotero collections in new ways. Using MIT’s SIMILE Timeline widget, Zotero can now generate timelines from any collection or selected items.
  • The new version of CSL (Citation Style Language), used by Zotero to format references into specific styles, is more human readable and easier to edit. We will be adding many more styles soon.
There are also announcements of new compatible sites, including Institute of Physics, BioMed Central, ERIC, Engineering Village, the L.A. Times, The Economist, Time, and Epicurious, among others.

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